Common questions

Here we have compiled some of the most common questions we have received over the years with the hope to help add a little understanding to what can be a very difficult and emotional series of life changes to navigate.

What is a Small home care Facility or community?

Home care facilities or communities are small homes in residential neighborhoods licensed to provide 24-hour supervision and care to six residents or less. Daily care, meals and various activities are provided by staff at the home. Most are equipped with wheelchair accessibility and ramps. Residential care facilities are licensed to provide assistance to residents in the tasks of daily living that may have become difficult in growing older.

What are the advantages in choosing a small home care community over a larger community?

Accepting the need to move into a home care facility or community is difficult enough. Many elderly individuals can become easily confused and lost in larger facilities, having multiple stories and floors that all look relatively the same. This could make the adjustment period difficult and intimidating.

A small facility allows for residents to receive abundant personal attention and assistance when needed. It is easy for residents to find their way around a one story home versus a four story building and less intimidating to live with three or four other people than thirty or forty other people.

Book an appointment and come see what a difference a small family atmosphere can make!

What about residential medical needs and emergency procedures?

State law requires that all personnel employed at a home care facility complete first-aid and CPR training yearly by a proper and accredited organization such as the American Red Cross.

Planned procedures are in place as required by the state, should an emergency occur. Evacuation routes as well as emergency phone numbers (fire department, police, hospital) are clearly posted.

Resident records are kept secure, clear and easily accessible when needed. All doses of prescribed medication are supervised daily.

Proper medical attention is a priority at Aury’s Home Care.

What is it like adjusting to living in a home care Facility or community?

When life forces us to make changes we are not ready to make or do not agree with, it is never easy. It is normal to expect a new resident to pass through an adjustment period where in they may feel confused, homesick, depressed, and even angry. By visiting often, family and friends can help the new residents adjust to their new environment. Phone calls and Mille also may help them feel at ease. Our staff understands and is particularly empathetic and gentle with new residence as they adjust to their new home.

How much?

Pricing is considered individually, depending on the level of care required by each resident. The basic care rate is outlined and agreed on upon admission and is billed monthly. CONTACT US to schedule a pre-admission assessment.